
When it comes to specialized orthopedic care for your patients, we’re here to be your trusted partners. Our practice is solely dedicated to orthopedics, offering advanced surgical techniques and state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to address a wide range of orthopedic conditions. We’re equipped to provide tailored treatment plans for each patient’s unique needs. Our collaborative approach means we’ll keep you fully informed throughout the process, providing detailed post-operative reports for seamless continuity of care. Choosing Spry Companions ensures your clients they receive compassionate, expert attention from a team committed to their orthopedic health and that their companions receive care from seasoned hands. There are a few considerations when referring cases:

  • When faced with an emergent case, our dedicated team will prioritize immediate assistance and care for the patient’s orthopedic needs. These emergent cases are best addressed by contacting the hospital by phone. Be sure to advise our companions care representatives that you have an urgent case.
  • Non-urgent cases can be referred by providing our hospital information.
  • We will direct your client and patient back to you for continued primary care. If you wish to discuss your patient’s case prior to referral, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To refer patients please call 720-594-1030 or email to speak to one of our board-certified orthopedics surgeons or our dedicated companion representatives.