Welcome to Spry Companions: Veterinary Orthopedic Specialists, your premier destination for state-of-the-art veterinary orthopedic care. Conveniently located off of I-25 in Centennial, Colorado, our cutting-edge facility is designed to provide seamless and tailored experiences for patients undergoing orthopedic procedures. Our modern veterinary clinic provides a staging ground for a comprehensive range of services, practical expertise, and a patient-centered approach that sets us apart as a leader in orthopedic excellence.

At Spry Companions, we understand the significance of creating a conducive environment that promotes healing and reassurance. We like to describe our exam rooms as “homey” and clientele commonly comment that they do not feel like they are at a veterinary hospital. Our facility is equipped with the latest advancements in medical technology, ensuring safety, efficiency, and optimal outcomes for every companion. From spacious pre-operative areas to our massive operating suites, every aspect of our facility is meticulously designed to prioritize patient comfort and well-being. The facility boasts a 64-slice CT scanner that aids in 3D reconstructions and 3D printing, allowing our surgeons to tackle the most complex orthopedic problems in new ways. A C-Arm (fluoroscopy) provides moving real-time X-rays and a medical boom arthroscopic tower allows us to practice advanced minimally invasive procedures. Call us at (720) 594-1030 to schedule a consultation to see how we can assist your beloved companion with the best orthopedic care.